Call for greater involvement of the EU and its Member States in the development of a treaty on business and human right Statement on the development of a business and human rights treaty

ENNHRI issues statement on the development of a business and human rights treaty

The European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) has issued a statement calling for greater involvement of the EU and its Member States in the development of a treaty on business and human rights. The statement points out that, while support has been given by the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee to the treaty’s negotiation, there is no substantive involvement by the EU and its Member States in the process.

ENNHRI recommends that:

  • The EU and its Member States agree on a joint approach and participate in the drafting of a treaty on business and human rights
  • The EU and its Member States agree on a formal negotiating mandate for the European External Action Service to help shape the further negotiation process
  • The EU and its Member States put their extensive political and diplomatic competencies to use and actively participate in the drafting process during the next sessions of the UN Open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights
  • The ‘trio’ of states holding the EU Council Presidency over the next 18 months, Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia, actively promote a common position among EU Member States

This statement is an initiative of ENNHRI’s Business and Human Rights Working Group. It follows a previous statement in 2018 on the ‘Zero Draft’ of the proposed business and human rights treaty.

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