EU Migration policy - Beyond the rule of law? Consequences of Moria

L'Université du Luxembourg, EuropaUnion Luxembourg et la Commission consultative des Droits de l'Homme organisent une conférence en ligne (via Webex), intitulée « EU Migration policy - Beyond the rule of law? Consequences of Moria ».


30 septembre 2020, de 17h45 à 19h30


The fire in the refugee village of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos has become for many people a symbol of the failure of European refugee policy. It is the result of an arson attack which has its causes mainly in the interaction of the refugee and Corona crises. The European Union is trying to counteract the acute problems of refugees (loss of accommodation and the last remaining property, protection of minors and particularly vulnerable persons, provision of health care) with various measures. The problems, however, lie deeper, not least in the complete erosion of European law, which is supposed to be committed above all to the humanitarian protection of refugees and at the same time manages refugee movements to Europe in a spirit of solidarity.

In this discussion, the state of European Migration law is to be examined in depth with the aim of developing viable perspectives and political proposals for the EU's directly necessary action. We want to discuss the problems of a restrictive, even punitive refugee policy, discuss the shortcomings of the European legal framework (Dublin Regulation) and take a look at the intolerable social situation of migrants against the background of human rights.

The event will take the form of a videoconference, which will be as interactive as possible and will be broadcast on various digital platforms, not least in the social media. The contributions to the discussion will be summarised in a blog and a journal. Following the University policy on multilingualism all the participants can choose to express themselves in English, French or German.

17:45 – 18:00          Log in and Welcome, Stefan Braum, University of Luxembourg

18:00 – 18:20          Keynote speech Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs

18:20 – 19:00          Roundtable discussion Moderated by Ines Kurschat, d’Letzebuerger Land  

                                    • Tilly Metz, Member of the European Parliament
                                    • Isabel Wiseler-Lima, Member of the European Parliament
                                    • Gilbert Pregno, President, Commission consultative des
                                       Droits de l’Homme du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
                                    • Jörg Gerkrath, Professor, University of Luxembourg
                                    • Stefan Braum, Professor, University of Luxembourg

19:00 – 19:30           Audience Q&A


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