Déclaration de la Commission nationale des droits de l’Homme de Grèce suite aux récents développements à la frontière entre la Grèce et la Turquie

On 4.3.2020, the Greek National Commission for Human Rights (GNCHR) adopted an urgent statement on “Reviewing asylum and immigration policies and safeguarding human rights at the EU borders”, following the recent developments at the Greek-Turkish borders -also EU borders- where thousands of refugees and migrants have gathered at the invitation of the Turkish government.

In its statement, the GNCHR calls upon the European Union to revise its migration and asylum policy, in recognition of the de facto abolition of the EU-Turkey Joint Statement and to proceed with the reform the Common European Asylum System, and in particular the Dublin system, by establishing a permanent relocation mechanism and a proportional distribution of international protection applicants among EU Member States, in replacement of the Dublin III Regulation, in accordance with the principles of solidarity and the equitable distribution of burdens among EU Member States, as well as in full compliance with the international human rights and refugee law.

Furthermore, the GNCHR underlines that it will closely monitor issues relating to the treatment of foreigners, while stressing the need for unconditional respect for the rights of all those living on the Greek territory as well as the rights of asylum seekers and refugees.

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